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Board of Directors

Catherine D'Ignazio


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Catherine D’Ignazio is a scholar, artist/designer and hacker mama who focuses on feminist technology and data justice. She is an Associate Professor in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT. She is also Director of the Data + Feminism Lab which uses data and computational methods to work towards gender and racial justice. Catherine joined the IWR board in 2018 after meeting and being inspired by IWR's co-founders through the MIT Make the Breast Pump Not Suck Hackathon. Catherine's background is in software and technology development as well as in art & design. Catherine has 3 kids, had one abortion and one miscarriage, and is passionate about IWR's full spectrum reproductive justice mission. As a white, non-Indigenous person, Catherine is committed to eradicating white supremacy, diverting resources from white institutions, and showing up for Indigenous friends and communities.

Elias Fox Bova Schmidt



Elias Fox Bova Schmidt (Haudenosaunee, Seneca Nation descent) was born and raised in western New York with family roots on Seneca Allegheny territory along the Ohi:yo’. He is a lawyer with a JD and Masters in Social Work from the University at Buffalo and a Bachelors in English from Buffalo State University. In his work, Elias is dedicated to bridging the gaps between reproductive justice, Indigenous sovereignty, and trans liberation. Elias is also a birth doula in training with the goal to provide birthing support to trans and two spirit people. When he's not working, Elias enjoys beading, sewing ribbon skirts, playing video games, reading novels written by Indigenous authors, and researching transmasculine history.

Asha Misra


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Asha Misra (she/they) is a first-generation Indian American raised on the East Coast and in the Midwest, currently living in Chicago, IL with their partner and rescue pup.


Asha is committed to collective liberation and working in ways that authentically and sustainably center and build power with QTBIPOC communities most directly impacted by oppressive systems and structural barriers to vision, co-create, and resource transformative, community-led movements and solutions.  Asha previously served on the board of Access Reproductive Care-Southeast and was a staff member at the National Network of Abortion Funds. Asha holds a Master of Arts in Non-profit Management and Leadership from DePaul University and Bachelor of Arts degrees in International Studies and Spanish Language and Literature from the University of Wisconsin. Asha finds tremendous joy in eating and building community through food, kayaking and hiking with her partner and pup, exploring botanical gardens, going to the library, and spending time with their siblings. 

Mallery Chino


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Mallery is a matriarch from the Pueblo of Acoma. She is currently a graduate student in social work and is contracted through the state government with a focus on health equity and social determinants of health.



Danielle Lucero



Elias Fox Bova Schmidt (Haudenosaunee, Seneca Nation descent) was born and raised in western New York with family roots on Seneca Allegheny territory along the Ohi:yo’. He is a lawyer with a JD and Masters in Social Work from the University at Buffalo and a Bachelors in English from Buffalo State University. In his work, Elias is dedicated to bridging the gaps between reproductive justice, Indigenous sovereignty, and trans liberation. Elias is also a birth doula in training with the goal to provide birthing support to trans and two spirit people. When he's not working, Elias enjoys beading, sewing ribbon skirts, playing video games, reading novels written by Indigenous authors, and researching transmasculine history.

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